CT scans, MRIs, and X-rays are diagnostic tools that allow doctors to see the internal structures of the body. They create images using various forms of electromagnetic energy, such as radio waves and X-rays to locate and diagnose bone and lung problems, such as fractures and pneumonia; to detect and monitor diseases such as cancer. Positron emission tomography (PET) is an imaging test that allows the doctor to detect diseases in the body. Scintigraphy uses a special dye that contains radioactive markers.
Certain organs and tissues absorb the marker and help the doctor see how well the organs and tissues are working. Although the risk of most diagnostic x-rays to the fetus is small, the doctor may consider performing another imaging test, such as an ultrasound. A radiologist, a doctor who specializes in reading and interpreting CT scans and other radiological images, will review the scan and prepare a report that explains them. The decision to undergo a diagnostic test is a decision you should make in collaboration with your doctor after carefully considering and weighing your options.
The test uses magnetic fields and a computer to create detailed cross-sectional images of organs and tissues. The survey authors noted that up to one-third of imaging tests performed in the United States are requested when the benefits do not outweigh the risks, such as exposure to radiation. The marker accumulates in organs and tissues and creates images that a computer converts into three-dimensional images. Positron emission tomography is an imaging technique that uses a radioactive tracer to locate tissue differences at the molecular level.
The machine produces a safe level of radiation that passes through the body and records an image on a specialized plate. No content on this site, regardless of the date, should be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified physician. In the meantime, a trained specialist will interpret the positron emission tomography images and share the information with your doctor. A computer combines the images from the two scans to create a three-dimensional image, which provides more information and allows for a more accurate diagnosis.
For example, research has found that most people with low back pain begin to feel better within a month, regardless of whether they undergo an X-ray, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An X-ray is a quick and painless test that produces images of internal body structures, especially bones. It has also been difficult to study the long-term cancer risk posed by exposure to radiation from medical imaging because researchers must follow thousands of patients for many decades to reach significant conclusions. During exposure to X-rays, you stay still and sometimes hold your breath to avoid moving so that the image doesn't look blurry.